They Didn’t Try to Stop Me

The Crisis Unit:
Where Bibles are contraband,
mementos taken.

No more sentiments.
Fascist white coats grin widely
for law officers,

White coats drag me out,
lock me in concrete confines,
after law’s arms leave.

Abusive treatment,
hungry children forbidden
from having a snack.

They’re always watching,
locked down, yet I escape from
the gold God Helmet.

Become another,
broadcasts signals in my head,
my spirit rises.

I become lucid.
Yank off the gold God Helmet,
run back to my room.


The Two Witnesses

We are witnesses.
Darkest darkness, lightest light.
We have been and lived.

Demons scratch our backs,
gargling innocent blood
right next to our ears.

We received our wings;
Wisdom showed herself to us
and raptured again.


Blind Spot

Veil of the unseen,
Veil of God, my instincts scream;
Veil was conceived blind.

Blind in numbed darkness,
Blind to all worlds imagined,
Blind spot is the key.

Key to comprehend
Key to my deity’s soul.
David’s Key unlocks.

Unlocks earth’s heaven,
Unlocks true sight in all worlds,
Unlocks God’s wisdom.

Wisdom sees through me.
Wisdom comforts, coddles me.
Wisdom shrinks the veil.


Timeless Blasphemies

The Serpent slithers,
weaving souls into the veil;
money to God frees.

“Tithe to God’s Tetzel,”
says the forked tongue of the church:
when coins clink, souls spring.

Now, there’s no change: a
psychological twist on
the coffer ringing.


Dark Inheritance

My inheritance…
Their generational sins,
mouth and hands alike.

Darkness seeps through me,
cracks in my subconsciousness,
dark energy’s Wombs.

My words, actions, are
in ways just like my father’s,
just like my mother’s.

The bedrock walls of
my mind turn to ashes; I
cross the veil as One.

A tri-braided cord:
Trifecta of love, God, us –
a gift from heaven.

We swallow, it binds.
Devour bitter, little scrolls,
forbidden knowledge.

Dark puppet strings pop:
severed from our mind-hearts; we
take up wings and fly.


Pierce the Veil

My prior visions
of light on the other side
glimpse the next kingdom.

Where rubber meets road,
where the Earth meets heaven’s veil,
they merge, become same.

The lowly despised,
given trimmings of gristle,
as “leaders” eat loin.

Empty promises,
false assurance is no more:
God pierces the veil.

Our roles are reversed;
those who powered man’s machines
stand tall in the end.


The Righteous

We look up, around;
privileged righteous stand upon
our backs, crushing us.

Their authority
is self-proclaimed or granted

God’s authority
turns self-righteous lives into
ash, feeding fresh life.


Romans 3

Seed of Satan’s Pride:
we’re justified alone by
faith in Jesus Christ.

Christ holds a key to
salvation; Paul stakes his claim –
faith’s the only way. 

Satan intends us
as crazed fanatics – lacking
a human heart. 


Greatest of the Demonic

Religion’s riddles
are demonic, all creeds of
The Great Deceiver.

Your religious hearts,
pale with disease and meal worms,
call all ours rancid.

Our spiritual hearts
beat bright red, shine hot within:
cauterize the rot.


Life @CatV

The storm around us
envelopes, swallows us whole:
wind, lightning, thunder.

The wind-driven rain
levels our house; we wander
through the Raven’s Eye.

There, in the storm’s eye,
clear skies surround us, as we
follow God’s Third Eye.
