The New Beginning



I became married to my beautiful wife a few months ago. The all-encompassing, loving force she has on my naked self is stronger than gravity. I mean my dreams, my mind-heart, my spirit, my soul, my strength.

There have been many shifts in me since I met her. She helps me see the path to my dreams more clearly, we quench our thirsty mind-hearts together, she provides joy to my spirit, invites God into our lives and relationship, and takes care of me to keep my strength up.

Bipolar I is now a small burden to deal with. Instead, life is sprouting from those decomposed wounds of the past, and bipolar now acts as an inspiration of many great potentials. Inspirations in my daily life, my worldview, and my outlook for the rest of my life.

My wife and I have committed to write the books of our lives together till death do us part. If there is a way to follow her into the dark, I will without a doubt.

With each other, we can proceed to the next contexts of life and enjoy each moment. Together.



photo credit: mclcbooks Sunrise, Chatfield State Park, Colorado via photopin (license)

3 Haikus – Asleep

My beloved sleeps.
I lay down beside; she stirs
a sigh of relief

My beloved knows.
All storms aside, this is home.
Her core’s love for me.

How she responds to
your coming while fast asleep,
her core visage peers.

photo credit: Go-tea 郭天 Good Morning 1/52 via photopin (license)

Seven Haikus for my Wife

White Licking Flames


Where we’ve been; when we met.


High, wide, deep faulter.

For love is within, from One.

Agape, forged strong.


No sun. No moon. Pain –

fans the flames of your heart’s forge.

Dark flames fueled by dust.


The dust turns mad; A

surge of madness fuels dark flames,

rotting my heart’s flesh


Ignorance was light;

But the Anesthesia of

Denial – is gone.


Numbs our hearts no more.

Our minds race, hearts infected,

roasting on dark flames.


We get up, move on.

Unrequited love shadows

the aligning stars.


As a thief love came,

requited mind-hearts ablaze;

White flames lick ours both.





photo credit: joncutrer Mystic flames via photopin (license)