God String Pulled

During those timeless moments of pulling the God string, borders ceased to be. Everything seemed to converge on one point. One. God. The foundation of our very existence. The same unseen now.

I see what our subconsciousness sees through the veil on the other side, then look behind me. There sits my empty vessel, writing pen to paper away all my problems without a soul to see in it. A computer bot could have written those words down on that paper, except it was my handwriting.

Our plane is the crest of every wavelength, the physical realm, the world of atoms. Our world is much, much deeper and more expansive than atoms.


God String

There is a direct line to God. It is what I call the “God string.” Give it a pull and you see the world from your own eyes the way God intended us to see the world, in that particular moment or bigger time periods. How did I pull the string? I asked God to do his will, not my own. Then, after my eyes were open, I was dead and born again.


Timeless Blasphemies

The Serpent slithers,
weaving souls into the veil;
money to God frees.

“Tithe to God’s Tetzel,”
says the forked tongue of the church:
when coins clink, souls spring.

Now, there’s no change: a
psychological twist on
the coffer ringing.


Dark Inheritance

My inheritance…
Their generational sins,
mouth and hands alike.

Darkness seeps through me,
cracks in my subconsciousness,
dark energy’s Wombs.

My words, actions, are
in ways just like my father’s,
just like my mother’s.

The bedrock walls of
my mind turn to ashes; I
cross the veil as One.

A tri-braided cord:
Trifecta of love, God, us –
a gift from heaven.

We swallow, it binds.
Devour bitter, little scrolls,
forbidden knowledge.

Dark puppet strings pop:
severed from our mind-hearts; we
take up wings and fly.
